National Currency 1875 $2.00 Lazy Deuce National Currency 1882 Brownback National Currency 1902 Red Seal National Currency 1902 Blue Seal National Currency 1929 Brown Seal

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Hawaii National Currency Bank Note Information

Hawaii had five national currency issuing banks in five towns.
There are 759 Hawaii national currency bank notes, the 4th scarcest state.
The First National Bank of Paia, Hawaii is unknown.
All Hawaiian National Currency Bank notes are territorials.
There are no series 1902 red seal notes known from Hawaii.
If you know of one please contact me, you will be happy you did.
Honolulu, Hawaii National Currency Bank Note Series 1882 Value Back Blue Seal

Hawaii National Currency Bank Note Issuing Banks

  • First National Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu

    This charter was issued in 1900 and they lasted to 1935.
    The bank issued 1882 brown backs, blue seals and small sized notes.
    This is hands down the largest and most prolific bank in Hawaii.
    This banks notes represent 97.3% of all Hawaiian notes known.

  • Baldwin National Bank of Kahului, Hawaii

    A charter that lasted from 1906 to 1921.
    The bank issued red seals and blue seals but so few survived that any note from this bank is a find.

  • Lahaina National Bank of Lahaina, Hawaii

    This bank was in business for eleven years between 1906 and 1917.
    For a bank that operated for over a decade they issued a pitifully small number of notes. Less than 500 sheets.
    Currently there is one note known on the bank. If you know of note from this bank I would be very interested!

  • First National Bank of Paia, Hawaii

    Lasting only three years between 1913 and 1917 this bank only issued 200 sheets!
    This bank is currently unknown. A note from this bank would put you into a nice new car.

  • First National Bank of Wailuku, Hawaii

    Even though this bank lasted up to 1917 they only issued series 1882 notes.
    Only two notes are known.

List of All National Banks for Hawaii

CharterBank NameCityRare in LargeRare in Small186518751882 BB1882 BS1902 RS1902 BS1929
5550First National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu, HawaiiHonoluluTrueTrueTrue
5550Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu, HawaiiHonoluluTrue
5550Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu, HawaiiHonoluluTrue
5994First National Bank of Wailuku, HawaiiWailukuTrueTrueTrue
8101Lahaina National Bank of Lahaina, HawaiiLahainaTrueTrueTrue
8207Baldwin National Bank, Kahului, HawaiiKahuluiTrueTrue
10451First National Bank of Paia, HawaiiPaiaTrueTrue